Gambia has over 100,000 orphans. With no home or family to care for them, many of these vulnerable children are abandoned on the streets.
Learn more about our orphanage project
Duty to provide care
Every child has the right to a home; feeling cared for, loved and safe. Unfortunately, this is just a wishful dream. Orphans are some the most vulnerable members of our society and having lost the love, care and protection of parents, they are at the mercy of close relatives, family and friends and society at large. We have a duty to provide for these vulnerable orphan children, which is why this project was set up to help build an orphanage for those most at need.
Prophetic tradition
Many orphans in The Gambia find themselves abandoned, struggling to survive. The struggle to find food, as well as living in makeshift shelters with no hope of attending school or accessing vital medical treatment are a daily occurrence for these children.
Prophet Muhammed, peace and blessings be upon him (PBUH), said, “The one who cares for an orphan and myself, will be together like this,” and he held his two fingers together (Sahih Bukhari).
Prophetic tradition
It was the practice of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) to care for orphans when he realised how valuable and vulnerable these children were. He himself was an orphan, but, with care and protection from his grandfather and uncle, he became the beacon of light for the world at large. It is our sacred duty to support, protect and care for the welfare of the orphans.
What we provide
Living quarters with beds, mattresses and storage facilities
Separate hygienic toilets and shower/bathing facilities – separate for girls and boys
Kitchen facilities for on site cooking
Trained teachers who deliver a quality education
Ethical, moral and religious training
Healthy lifestyle and hygiene education
Extra-curricular activities ensuring learning is fun