“There are three hundred and sixty bones or joints in every human being. Each day charity must be given for each one”
— Prophet Muhummad (SAW)
Our Vision
Our vision is simple. We strive with our donors to support the poorest communities in The Gambia. As well as short term and immediate support though food distribution, Qurbani meat distribution and Ramadan food distributions we want to provide long term sustainable projects where communities can support themselves. With the generous financial help from our donors we’ve completed sustainable water bore hole projects, Irrigation systems to grow crops, a local bakery and sewing machines for widows to earn an income. Schools, academic and Islamic education is a key pillar of our vision and strategy in The Gambia to enable the next generation to be better equipped to deal with the ongoing challenges within their communities.
Our Core Values
We recognise that every penny donated has to be accounted for, it’s a responsibility and trust we take very seriously at Project Gambia. Having established a local NGO office in The Gambia in June 2020 we can now provide donors with regular updates on how their donations make a difference. We also undertake major projects from an idea, to a plan, to execution/build and handover to the beneficiaries. Donors are kept informed of progress and costs at every stage. Large projects completed to date include Village Masaajid’s, Orphanages, Water Bore Holes and Schools.
We’re registered by the UK Charities Commission and our accounts are independently audited by the Cooper Parry Group of Chartered Accountants. We’re happy to engage with donors so there is absolute transparency and accountability in the way we use and manage donations. The Project Gambia team thrive on happy donors and smiles on the faces of those that are the beneficiaries, our focus every single day is to connect the donor and beneficiary for the pleasure of ALLAH (SWT).
Our collective aim is ultimately to please ALLAH (SWT) and for our donors to gain the enormous benefits and blessings from giving in charity, one of the central tenets of Islam. Insh’allah we pray that our actions always remain sincere at all times for the pleasure our ALLAH (SWT). We always welcome feedback from donors on how we can improve, by no means are we perfect and together through the support of engaged donors we can all ‘make a difference’.
Yunus Ahmed
(Trustee and on behalf of the Board of Trustees, C.B.C Charitable Trust)